Creating the Digital
Chain of custodianship
From soil to supermarket.
FarmEye is an IT-based system that caters to large food and agribusinesses, agri and environmental consultants, and environmental laboratories.
FarmEye is a highly visual, map-based soil management system that can be accessed via laptop, desktop, or smartphone app, and used to maintain a record of the soil management and fertility profile for every field on a farm.
We use various GIS map layers, including European Sentinel satellite and real-time weather data to easily identify regions and periods of high risk for groundwater pollution.
We provide laboratories with reliable GPS and cloud-based technologies that allow full geo-location of the source of environmental samples, such as soil or water.
We deliver full process chain digitization, from sample intake with electronic payment to automatic dispatch of results.
Our global food sustainability authentication software that gathers data relating to food production, processing, logistics, and retailing in order to provide a sustainability score for a given food product. The unique FarmEye algorithms can harness the power of big data sets to provide precise impact statements for whole or parts of any food system.
Our Agri-consultant traces every soil test by GPS to the field of origin and cuts out much of the manual data entry and human error involved in soil sampling.